As a Telecaller Agent Job at Opportunity Flipkart, you could play a crucial function in using income and enhancing client pride by appealing to customers over the phone. Your primary...
you may provide a first-rate carrier to clients with the aid of the usage of addressing their inquiries and resolving troubles efficaciously.Cognizant Hiring Customer Support Representative Job The characteristics include...
The Insurance Manager at Kotak Mahindra Bank is responsible for converting leads, organizing and preserving patron relationships, and selling insurance services and products. Insurance Manager at Kotak Mahindra Bank This...
Disney offers Remote Part-Time Data Entry Clerk positions, best for individuals starting in fact manipulation. Responsibilities embody facts getting entry to, notable tests, reporting business enterprise, and resolving discrepancies. Applicants...
Genpact Hiring Business Analyst Job is responsible for statistics finance ideas, economic metrics, and reporting. Genpact Hiring Business Analyst Job The role consists of jogging with huge record units, building...
As a Payroll Operations Associate at Accenture, you will be liable for ensuring accurate and nicely timed payroll processing for employees. This characteristic consists of maintaining payroll facts, addressing discrepancies,...
Hardware engineers are accountable for designing, growing, and checking out hardware components and structures. This function includes participating with glide-realistic groups to create revolutionary solutions, mission rigorous attempting out and...
Accenture Hiring Payroll Operations Associate, The Payroll Operations Associate is liable for processing and managing payroll-related sports for employees. Key duties encompass calculating salaries, maintaining employee payroll facts, and ensuring...
Flipkart Hiring Customer Service Representative, A Customer Service Representative is chargeable for offering notable aid to customers with the aid of addressing their queries, resolving troubles, and making sure they...
Cognizant Hiring Customer Support Representative, A Customer Support Representative plays a crucial function in imparting superb company to customers through addressing inquiries and resolving issues. They interact with customers through...